Squirrel Removal in Reynoldsburg Done the Humane Way

by | May 8, 2020 | Animal Removal

It’s more common than one might think that residents need the professional help for squirrel removal in Reynoldsburg. The truth about squirrels is that the smallest opening in your home can be made large enough for them to fit through within just minutes of chewing by these invasive pests. As most people know squirrels are some of the most destructive of all wildlife pests once they do gain entry into your home. Most of this is due to their incessant chewing of electrical wires and their elaborate nests. In fact 30% of all home fires that are of an electrical nature are due to these pests chewing electrical wires safety protection off of wires and the bare wires conducting heat once activated.

The nests that these pests make is another good reason to hire professional squirrel removal in Reynoldsburg. The routinely tear up insulation and will use any materials in addition to the insulation to create nests. It’s also very common that the females will build these den types nests inside your home in order to raise their offspring. So before you know it you can have a squirrel nursery in your attic. Pregnant or recently delivered offspring will make the female squirrel very territorial and far more dangerous in the removal process. In order to safely remove the squirrel a professional will use a live trap in which to trap the squirrel and relocate it far from the property. Once the mother is removed the offspring can be removed by hand in most cases, otherwise the live trap is generally the way to trap the offspring if they are a bit older.

Most often you will hear the squirrels if they have invaded your home. Attics are only one of the favored areas of squirrels. Open rafters in ones’ garage or even under homes in crawl spaces or basements are ideal for squirrels to build a nest. Because squirrels are gatherers instead of hunters, they routinely store their food supply in their nests, which is another reason one should hire a professional for humane squirrel removal in Reynoldsburg; to be sure that the entire nest and food supply is removed from your home.

Regardless of how you discover the invaders, call a professional for squirrel removal in Reynoldsburg.

Greater Reynoldsburg area residents trust The Wildlife Control Company, Inc for squirrel removal done the humane way. Reynoldsburg The Wildlife Control Company, Inc serves the entire greater Reynoldsburg area and is very experienced in the removal of dangerous wildlife. Do not put yourself, your pets nor your family at risk in trying to remove a squirrel yourself. Instead rely on Reynoldsburg The Wildlife Control Company, Inc to remove and relocate the animal and ensure that the entry point on your home is then wildlife proof so as to take care of the problem completely on the very first call.

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