Learning to live on your own while you attend college is never easy. Some people prefer to have a few roommates, while others decide to dive right in and go it alone. In Baton Rouge, LA, you have multiple choices in apartment living, especially if you are a student. Luxury apartments for rent in Baton Rouge are located within a few minutes’ walking distance from the LSU campus. What makes this living experience so unique to the LSU community is that the luxury apartments for rent in Baton Rouge are customizable and range from a single studio to a five-bedroom, five-bathroom living space you share with four other people. Here are a few other benefits about these apartments.
So Close to the City You Can Walk
You might think that these apartments are so far away from the heart of Baton Rouge, but you would be wrong. They are close enough that a bike or a medium-length walk of about thirty to forty-five minutes will get you almost anywhere in the city. If you’re not up for the walk, catch a city bus from several of the stops along the way.
You Could Go Anywhere to Relax, but the Apartments Have It Covered
Forget about Spring Break this year. Stay in your apartment and swim in the rooftop pool or lounge poolside in a deck chair. Hang around the fire pits enjoying s’mores or other fire-toasted tasty tidbits. Relax on the well-manicured lawns in a comfortable chair. Contact Ion Baton Rouge today for more information.