Some Advanced Features to Look for in Heat Pump Daytona Beach FL Systems

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

A heat pump is an energy efficient alternative to air conditioners and furnaces for climates that require moderate cooling and heating. Like the refrigerator, the heat pump uses electricity to move heat from the cool outdoors into your house during the heating session and heat from your cool house to the warm outdoors during the cooling season. Since heat pumps move heat instead of generating it, they provide space conditioning at one quarter the cost of operating conventional cooling or heating appliances. Below are some of the innovations that have been used to improve the performance of heat pump in Daytona Beach FL systems.

Two-Speed Compressors

The compressors allow the heat pump to operate close to the cooling or heating capacity required at any moment. This helps to save a large amount of electric energy and helps to reduce compressor wear.

Dual-Speed or Variable-Speed Motors

Some models come equipped with motors on their outdoor fans, indoor fans, or both. The dual-speed controls endeavor to keep air moving at a calm velocity, reducing cool drafts and increasing electrical savings. This feature also helps to reduce the noise coming from the blower while it is running at full speed.


Most high-efficiency heat pumps have a de-superheater that helps to recover waste heat from the pump’s cooling mode and utilizing it for heating water. With a de-superheated pump, you can heat your water up to 3 times more efficiency than using the conventional water heater.

Scroll Compressor

This heat pump technology has two spiral shaped scrolls. While one remains in a stationery position, the other orbits around it. This compresses the refrigerant by forcing it to flow in increasingly smaller surface areas. Some reports indicate that heat pumps fitted with scroll compressors provide up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit warmer air while in heating mode compared to conventional piston compressor fitted heated pumps. Scroll compressor systems are also longer lasting and quieter than conventional piston compressors.

In comparison with standard heat pumps or combustion fuel fired furnaces, heat pump Daytona Beach FL systems are more economical. The actual energy savings are largely dependent on the relative costs associated with fuel combustion relative to that of electricity.

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