Signs You Need Underground Water Leak Detection Services in Virginia

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Water utility company

Underground water leaks can go unnoticed for a long time. They are mainly detected once they already have a lot of damage such that you can see the damage from the surface. If you are suspicious of a water leak, it is important to fix it as soon as possible because compromised pipes can result in a big problem that can be expensive to repair.

Underground water leaks can be caused by chemicals, natural disasters, wear and tear, trees, and incorrect installation.

Unusual increase in costs and water usage

This is the first sign of an underground leak because the bills and usage will rise. To check if you leak, check your water meter, and if you can, shut off the main water valve to your home. Note down the numbers on your meter and leave it off for some time.

After about an hour, check if the numbers have moved, and if they have, you will need underground water leak detection services in Virginia.

Potholes or cracks on pavement

It is usual for underground leaks to damage the areas around them. If concrete or tarmac is near the leak, you may come across bulges, cracks, or potholes. However, if there is grass around the leak, you might notice sinkholes.

Unpleasant smells

If not detected early, underground leaks may lead to mold, resulting in unpleasant smells around the area.

Low pressure

Erodes, ruptured or clogged water pipes may cause interference with the pressure of the water supply.

For the best underground water leak detection services in Virginia, visit Line Locators, Inc.

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