Save Money With Auto Glass Repair in Marana Instead of Auto Glass Replacement

by | Jul 1, 2014 | Automotive

Many motorists end up with cracks and other dings in their windshields. They often believe that windshield glass replacement is the only solution. Windshield replacement can be very expensive. Fortunately, there is another option for consumers in Marana. That option is to get Auto Glass Repair in Marana. A common misconception with respect to glass repair is that it will not be as good as getting the windshield replaced. In reality, it is nearly impossible for most motorists to notice that their windshield has been repaired rather than replaced. However, there is a big difference in cost.

The only reason to get windshield replacement is when the glass has too much damage to be repaired.It’s helpful to understand why Auto Glass Repair Services is cheaper. There is less material used to repair windshield. With windshield replacement, the whole piece of glass has to be replaced even though only a tiny part of it is damaged. It does not take more time than replacing the windshield. As a result, the cost is going to be lower.Many people have auto insurance with no comprehensive coverage or comprehensive coverage with deductibles of $250 or more.

When that is the case, it is difficult or impossible to get the insurance to pay for most or all of the cost. That means the consumer is going to have to pay for the entire cost of windshield replacement. The same thing is true with respect to Auto Glass Repair in Marana, but the out-of-pocket cost for the motorist is going to be a lot lower since auto glass repair is a lot cheaper. Many insurers offer to waive the comprehensive deductible if glass repair is chosen rather than replacement. That is another reason why auto glass replacement makes sense.

It is important for consumers wanting the cheaper option for auto glass repair to get it done as soon as possible. Over time, changes in temperature and humidity will cause cracks in the auto glass to grow. Once the cracks are longer than the length of a dollar bill, it will likely be impossible to repair the glass. That is why it is a good idea to get this repair early. Those in the local area who need auto glass repair should contact Dwight Glass to get the repair completed before it is no longer an option.

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