Rise with the Currents – The Benefits of Using Wind Energy in New Jersey

by | Oct 17, 2022 | Offshore Wind Projects

In the United States, the most commonly used renewable energy sources are solar power, geothermal power, hydroelectric energy, and wind power. Each energy source has its advantages, but wind power is superior. Discover why it’s the clear winner.

Wind Is Readily Available

The wind blows everywhere on Earth. However, it does not blow at the same intensity in every location. This is why scientists use special wind gauges and analysis tools in the field. These tools can pinpoint the best spots for wind turbines.

Wind Can Power Equipment in Rural Areas

In New Jersey, there are many zones that don’t have power lines. Wind power has no limits, so it will work well in any area that’s off the grid.

It’s Consistent

Solar energy and wind power are counterparts, but the wind has the advantage. Unlike sunlight, the wind does not have a time frame. You can only harness power from the sun for 12 hours, but wind gusts can generate during the day and night.

About Wind Turbines

When Charles F. Blush created the first wind turbine, his goal was to transform wind into electricity. He accomplished this with his invention, but the first blueprint needed improvements. Wind turbines have evolved since the initial concept. They’re more efficient in the field, and they’re performance range is close to the recommended theoretical level.

Explore the World New Jersey Offshore Wind

If wind power blows you away, take a stand with the only American-led, New Jersey Offshore wind developer. To get started, contact Leading Light Wind at Business Url.

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