Restoring Beautiful Art with Antique Rug Repair in New York City

by | Dec 12, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

An antique rug can be a very beautiful part of your home. The intricate weaving and artwork can be a perfect accent to any room. However, time can take its toll on these. When they begin to wear, you need antique rug repair in New York City.

There is evidence that the art of carpet weaving has been in existence since 500 B.C. Handwoven patterns were created with natural materials, such as wool, cotton, and silk. Very often, the patters would be related to a certain area or family. The patterns were passed down from generation to generation. Each generation would add their own style to the picture. This created a large variance in the different types of rugs. These rugs were very vibrant and detailed for decorating purposes. Oriental rugs is a common name given to any handwoven rug from the east. However, there is much difference between the rugs from different regions.

An antique rug can be a beautiful center point for your home. They can provide a wonderful piece of artistic culture. Many people who own, or buy these rugs, do so for their artistic value. These rugs are made from natural materials. This means that, over time, they will deteriorate. This can be in the form of fading colors. If the rugs are used in walkways, they can have paths worn in them. These rugs are subject to moth damage, as well. These things can destroy a historical rug.

Companies, such as Business Name, can help to restore these pieces of art. They are skilled in the materials and processes used to make these carpets. This gives them an edge in knowing how to restore them. Even the most damaged rug can be restored to its original beauty. Dirty and soiled rugs can be specially cleaned. They carefully remove all dust and soil with compressed air. Then, they are hand cleaned with non chemical shampoos. They are dried carefully in a humidity controlled dry room. Any running dyes can be removed and restored. Even torn or moth damaged rugs can be repaired. They will reweave the areas with the same aged materials.

An antique rug is a valuable and beautiful piece of art. You want to keep it at the best condition possible. Restoration from a qualified company can help you do that.

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