Refrigerant Distributor: Description And Types

by | Sep 24, 2014 | Business

If you are dealing with refrigeration, you need to be aware of the different components. It is important you understand their location as well as what each does to ensure the system works efficiently and effectively. Copper strainers are one important part. Another significant component is a refrigerant distributor.

What is a Refrigerant Distributor?

A refrigerant distributor by Spinco Metal Products and other fabrication companies is defined as a device designed to distribute refrigerant flow equally. To accomplish this it is connected to something called a thermostatic expansion valve (TEV).From this outlet, due to its makeup, it takes on tubing. The distributor tubes, in turn, connect the refrigerant distributor to every single circuit of an evaporator coil consisting of multi-circuits.

Equal distribution is essential. It is achieved by providing each evaporator circuit with identical resistance. In order to ensure this, each distributor tube has to be of equal length. Moreover, they must all consist of the same pressure drop, be bent carefully with no sharp kinks or corners. To do so will cause increased resistance in the process.

Overall if you want to derive the best of performances from a refrigerant distributor, you need to consider the performances of these interrelated components and devices:

The Compressor

The Expansion valve

The Evaporator

Failure to make certain these parts are all in proper working order can result in what is called expansion valve hunting. This, in turn, can produce fluid overflow back into the compressor.

Types of Refrigerant Distributors

Refrigerant distributors can be separated into two basic designs. These are:

The Nozzle Type Refrigerant Distributor: The two-phase fluid is mixed using a sharp-edged and replaceable opening or a permanent one. This is done prior to it entering the coil circuit passageways. If different nozzles are employed of various opening sizes, it is possible to use one specific body type for diverse refrigerants, circuit sizes and loads. This makes this type of refrigerant distributor versatile and cost-effective.

The Venturi Or Low Pressure Drop Refrigerant Distributor: This type of refrigerant distributor varies substantially from the nozzle type. It has no separate nozzle. This prevents the pressure drop that is found when using nozzle type refrigerant distributors. What the Venturi possesses on the approach side is a contoured and machined throat. Beyond the smallest portion of the throat is diverging circuit holes.

Each of these types of a refrigerant distributor has its merits. In order to arrive at the right design, consider such things as the type of valve. Whether it is a multi-output expansion or a standard, single-outlet valve, a refrigerant distributor by Spinco Metal Products, Inc.will certainly be the right, quality fit for your needs.

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