Recognize These Four Common Signs of Heating Repair in Hinsdale, IL

by | Apr 27, 2023 | HVAC contractor

A functioning heating system is essential to keeping your home safe and comfortable throughout the cold winter. Recognizing the signs that your furnace needs service can help prevent a complete breakdown that leaves you without heat. These common signs indicate you need heating repair in Hinsdale, IL.

Loud Noises

All heating systems produce noise when they’re operating, but if you hear any strange sounds like clanking, banging, or rattling, it could indicate a malfunctioning component. This can cause damage to your heating system, so it’s important to have a service technician make any necessary repairs.

Cold Spots

Are some areas in your home comfortable, while other rooms feel cold and drafty? Do you feel cold air blowing from the vents when your heating system is on? These are signs that your furnace isn’t distributing heat evenly throughout your home. A technician can inspect your heating system and ductwork to correct any problems.

High Energy Bills

If you notice a significant increase in your energy bill each month, it’s a sign that your heating system isn’t working efficiently. Scheduling a service technician visit can help your furnace run more effectively.

Unusual Odors

Smelling a burning odor when you turn on your furnace indicates that you need heating repair in Hinsdale, IL. This unusual smell may be a sign of a broken or damaged part of the heating system.

Contact Kats Heating and Cooling now if you’ve noticed any of these issues with your heating system. A technician will inspect your furnace and perform any necessary repairs.

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