Protect Your Pumping With Septic Tank Maintenance in Maui

by | Jan 31, 2014 | Business

The septic system is one of those marvelous inventions born out of circumstance and need. This unique sewage manahement system was created in the late eighteen hundreds by a French inventor. The tank was fashioned from concrete and the leech lines were made from clay pipes. The system is extraordinarily simple in function. Waste sewage is collected from your home and stored in a large tank where bacteria and enzymes consume some of the solid matter. The waste water will collect in the tank until the tank is full and then excess water will leech out through field lines into the surrounding soil. The field lines are normally perforated pipe over a bed of gravel and lain so any excess solids will collect at the bottom of the pipe.

Most septic systems need some general Septic Tank Maintenance in Maui. This maintenance usually includes pumping the tank clean and ensuring the lines flow freely. The average septic tank needs to be pumped out about every three years although some may handle a longer stretch between cleaning if the usage is low. If the system is old it is possible the field lines have clogged with dirt or gotten damaged. These types of problems block the excess water from flowing out of the tank and can cause the system to flood where the tank was buried. The other common cause of flooding around the tank is excess solid matter which needs to be pumped out.

Unfortunately, many people forget about the septic system until the pumping begins to back up or the yard begins to flood with sewage. Once the system gets to this point all you can do is call a contractor like valley isle pumping who can provide you with a bit of Septic Tank Maintenance in Maui. After they clean the waste from the tank you may need to have them flush out the field lines which should be covered in excess sewage. Sewage is a lot like water and will find any holes that are convenient to flow into. Since the field lines are connected to the tank, these are usually the first to fill up.

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