Properly Repairing Garage Doors in MN

by | Nov 16, 2013 | Garage Doors

Is your garage door not working right? If so, it’s a smart idea to have it fixed so your assets will stay protected. Also, if a garage door is not working properly, it can mean warm air escapes your home. Garage doors in MN come in many styles and colors. They also are manufactured from wood, plastic, steel, and other material. Before you buy another door, see if you can replace your present door. Doing this will save you money and time.

The two main parts of Garage doors in MN are the garage doors themselves and the openers. These movable structures operate on spring tension and can roll up or swing up. Before you start analyzing your garage door system, it’s a practical idea to familiarize yourself with the parts of yours. You can use the manufacturer’s guide to help you with this task. Also, you will need a flashlight, mallet, and nails.

The first part of this inspection is to check the metal tracks inside the garage. These tracks are attached to the garage’s walls with mounting brackets. Make sure these mounting brackets are firmly in place. Check the tracks for dents or breaks. If there are any, you can hammer them out or replace that part of the track.

You will need to check the two tracks to make sure they are properly aligned. The two horizontal tracks should should be parallel with each other and slant slightly down. The vertical sections of the tracks should be perpendicular with the ground. If the two tracks are not correctly aligned, loosen the nails or screws of the mounting brackets to make them so.

The tracks will need to be cleaned with water and a mild detergent from your home. Removing the hardened grime with a mild cleaner will help the tracks to work right. You can also purchase a low-priced window cleaner from any retail store. Look at all the other parts of the garage door system to make sure they are securely fastened. If they are not, put them back into their original position so your garage door can work right.

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