Durable glass can add safety and aesthetic value to a home if it’s kept intact. To successfully replace a broken window, you will need to prepare the work area beforehand. This will take some skill and attention. Some of the tools and materials you will need include safety work gloves, a wood chisel, a putty knife, a jackknife, a heat gun, a small paintbrush, linseed oil, and putty. It’s advisable to perform this task during the day when ample sunlight is available. Thoroughly removing the old glass will save you time, money, and effort.
Preparing for Glass replacement Houston starts by removing any old glass and supportive material from the glass frame. If you will be working with a large window frame, take the frame out and lay it on a flat surface before attempting any work. Make sure you wear protective gloves to protect your hands from broken glass. Glass that is shattered can be removed a piece at a time simply by pulling it out in opposite direction from the track it’s in. Firmly grasp each piece of glass and pull. This will help to prevent any further breaking.
After removing the old glass, you will need to remove any old putty. Utilize a putty knife, jackknife, or wood chisel for this. Having all three available will keep you from having to stop to get another tool. Remove the putty in tiny bits, so you won’t damage the frame of the window. Also, take out all glazier’s points from the frame to completely remove all old material used to support the old windowpane. If you have any problems removing putty, use a soldering tool or heat gun to soften the hard putty. A putty knife or wood chisel can scrape up any of the remaining traces of putty.
Getting a window frame ready for Glass replacement Houston may entail using a heavy coating of linseed oil. This technique helps keep the oil in the new putty from drying out. When putty is pliable, it’s easier to mold to a new windowpane. This will provide the right support for the new windowpane, so it’s strongly set. If you have any problems with your glass replacement, contact 494 Glass & Mirror Inc for help.