Cold winds may still be blowing but it won’t be long before spring and summer storms cross the Nashville area. You know the steps you should take to keep yourself safe when severe storms hit, but have you thought about how you can keep your home safe as well? Your roof is one area of your house that you often don’t give much thought to until it fails. There are steps you can take to make sure your roof weathers bad storms while it shelters you and your family.
Most of the work that protects your roof from severe thunderstorms and high winds should be done as soon as possible after temperatures warm. The most important step you can take is to inspect your roof. Most inspections can be done from the ground or with the use of a ladder without getting on the roof. If you find pieces of shingles or even entire shingles on the ground, you know that you’ll have a water problem eventually and probably sooner rather than later. High winds will rip off partial shingles and hard rains and hail will introduce water into cracks, leading to leaks.
One of the dangers to your roof that you likely haven’t considered is the trees around your house. When limbs rub against your roof as the wind blows, they can damage the shingles. A large limb that breaks off during a severe storm can do serious damage to your entire roof structure as well as the shingles. Trees located close to your roof also drop leaves that collect in the gutters along with other debris. Clogged gutters are often the cause of water backing up under shingles and resulting in leaks. The gutters can become so heavy with wet leaves and other debris that they collapse, damaging the roof in the process.
The H.E. Parmer Company, one of the roofing companies in Franklin can work with you now to get your roof ready for summer storms. Schedule an inspection as soon as possible to have a professional roofer check your roof. You won’t have to climb on the roof but can instead let the professional evaluate your roof’s condition. If you decide to put off having your roof inspected and suffer damage in a summer storm, don’t try to fix the problems yourself. Instead, call a professional from one of the roofing companies in Franklin. Visit us for more information.