Poorly Maintained Gutters Can Cause Roof Damage

by | Sep 25, 2013 | Roofing

Have you checked lately to see if the gutter system on your house is free of debris, or are they full of leaves? This may not be a maintenance job that a homeowner looks forward to, but if the gutters are not kept clean you can usually expect to need roof repairs in Fleming Island FL.

Why does a home have gutters?

Gutters in themselves are nothing special; they are just one more component of a house, no different than a door. Both the door and the gutters have a job to do, the door provides security and the gutters take rainwater off the roof and direct it away from the house where it either ends up in the storm sewer or on the lawn, either way he water is directed away from the house.

Water has no option but to follow the path of least resistance, if the gutters are clean it will continue flowing properly, if the gutters are packed with debris, the water will have to find a different path of least resistance, often this is to back-up under the shingles. This is perhaps the easiest way to damage the roof on your home, standing water will not only shorten the lifespan of the shingles but it can be the beginning of wood rot, mold and other fungus. This is the sole reason why gutter maintenance is important.

The annual cycle

Every year trees lose their leaves in anticipation of winter, every spring new leaves return. In the fall most leaves end up on the ground, but if the trees in yard are close to the house a good number of them will fall on the roof and in the gutters. When this happens, a barrier is being constructed to impede the natural flow of the water. When enough leaves end up in the gutter, pooling begins to happen.

It takes no time at all for this to happen and when it does and it is not attended to promptly, you can expect to need roof repairs in Fleming Island, FL. The best thing from the roof point of view is if the water overflows the gutters, now the problem will not be the roof, the problem will be erosion around the foundation and a leaky basement. The only solution to avoid either a damaged roof or basement is to keep the gutters clean and free of debris.

If you have neglected your gutters and you find that you need roof repairs in Fleming Island, FL. Keith and his crew have been helping people in the area for 25 years. Click here to know more.

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