Plan Ahead To Prepare Your Trees For Storm Damage in Little Rock, AR

by | Nov 15, 2013 | Home & garden

A storm can do severe damage to trees on your property, even when it isn’t strong enough to be classified as severe. Trees that have withstood high winds, winter storms or even lightning strikes for several years can suddenly lose large branches or even parts or all of the tree if they have been weakened enough. You can protect your property, your home and your family from serious Storm Damage in Little Rock AR and potential injury when you have your trees inspected and cared for by a qualified professional tree service such as Capital City Tree Service.

The high winds often seen in severe thunderstorms will cause limbs that have weakened due to previous damage or possible insect damage to break off at weak points, such as where the limb is attached to the trunk of the tree. In some cases, a tree that has developed more than one fork experiences the loss of the weaker fork during a thunderstorm, resulting in an overall compromised tree. A tree whose roots have been compromised, often when construction equipment damages them, is much more likely to be uprooted when high winds blow through. When trees on your property show signs of stress, it’s often best to call in a professional tree service company if you don’t have the experience or tools to handle the job yourself.

Ice storms are another weather hazard that can take a serious toll on your trees. While the scene after an ice storm is beautiful, the damage it leaves behind is not. Rain falling into freezing air and collecting on tree twigs, branches and limbs weighs down the entire limb until it partially breaks or completely snaps in two. Sometimes, if the ice accumulation is severe and the tree is already weak, the entire tree can come down. It’s no surprise that it can take days for crews to clean up the debris left after ice storms and restore power cut by falling limbs.

There are some steps you can take to ensure that your trees can withstand the severe storms that are part of every season. A professional tree company can do necessary pruning that will help the trees on your property withstand high winds and ice. It can also advise you about trees that may need to be removed. Preparing ahead of time for Storm Damage in Little Rock, AR is a prudent step you should take.

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