Options for Hearing Aids in Fort Myers

by | Mar 18, 2014 | Health

As Americans age, the need for high-quality hearing aids increases. Active seniors with hearing problems have options in the ways they improve their hearing. From tiny hearing aids that fit entirely inside the ear canal to larger, more visible devices, hearing impaired seniors and their audiologists can choose the product that works best for each individual’s situation. Most newer s are digital and allow the audiologist to customize the device to meet each patient’s needs.

Very small hearing aids that fit inside the ear are nearly invisible to others while seniors live their normal lives. These devices are preferred by those who don’t want strangers to know they have hearing loss and also by people who have trouble with the wind noise picked up by larger hearing aids. Hearing aids that fit entirely inside the ear canal do not have volume controls or directional microphones. These features are available, though, on slightly larger devices.

Another option for those who want a small hearing aid but want the ability to adjust the volume when necessary is a device that fits partly into the ear canal. These hearing aids are custom molded to fit into the patient’s ear but may not be a good option for people with small ears.

A half-shell hearing aid will fit most ears and is just a bit larger than the in-canal devices and are easier for seniors to operate. The volume controls are more accessible than the ones on the in-canal hearing aids, giving seniors more control over their hearing in different environments.

Full-shell hearing aids are among the most visible because they fill most of the outer ear, but they are also more effective for people with severe hearing loss. These devices are easy to handle and have larger batteries that last a lot longer than the very small hearing aids. Another option for seniors who need a larger hearing aid is behind-the-ear style. Though they are more visible, full-shell and behind-the-ear hearing aids in Fort Myers offer more amplification than the smaller devices and may be able to provide better support for hearing impaired adults.

Buying hearing aids in Fort Myers area offer a number of benefits. Visit us and obtain extensive information about the varied benefits of possessing quality hearing aids.

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