Obtaining a Dental implant and Other Services with the Family Dentist in Manahawkin

by | May 5, 2014 | Dental Services

Few things are as important as a great smile. This is something believed and maintained with the Family Dentist in Manahawkin. They provide an assortment of dental related services that span general cleaning to dental implants. Dental implants in particular are not the arduous and demanding surgical procedures they are stigmatized to be.

They can actually be really easy and handled in a single procedure. There are some preparations that go with the procedure, but that goes for anything in the dental industry. The damaged tooth is initially removed so as not to spur any infection or further pain. But this is only the beginning of the process. In a best-case scenario, patients will need to wait a week or so until the gum heals. After this, an abutment will be applied that will act as the crown for the implant. After this, the dentist will place the final implant. Patients in this case will have missed a few additional procedures, such as the addition of a bone graft.

The Family Dentist in Manahawkin divides dentistry work into four main categories. These are:

General: Cleaning, screening, maintenance, x-rays, and other main services go into the category of general dentistry.

Implant: The area of implant incorporates a lot of outpatient surgical treatments. A single tooth is a lot more common of a procedure, but patients have known to be subjected to a whole mouth implant.

Cosmetic: though many think that implants are cosmetic, they are most often considered a separate category. Implants are considered somewhat necessary, which makes them a separate area for insurance purposes. Cosmetic are things such as teeth whitening and more focused laser cleaning. Teeth whitening is not necessarily vital, but it is still extremely important in overall teeth health.

Emergency: An emergency situation involving the mouth may not always require a visit to the emergency room. Not only will that be a lot more expensive, but it is not as immediate. If one has an established presence with the Family Dentist in Manahawkin, they can opt for same day emergency service. No appointment is necessary, and the wait is often marginal.

The dentist is a versatile provider for any community: a one stops hop for all dental related concerns. For more information, visit online

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