Not Seeing Your Children After Separating? Hire A Parenting Time Lawyer In Dayton OH

by | Nov 10, 2014 | Bankruptcy Law

Even if you are not living with your child’s parent, doesn’t mean you cannot see your children. If you’ve attempted to see your children and the other parent has been prohibiting you from seeing them, you need to contact a Parenting Time Lawyer In Dayton OH. Both parents are entitled to access to their children and their medical and school records. Unfortunately, sometimes parents also use the children as a weapon against the other parent during a separation or divorce.

Each county in Ohio has their own parenting time schedules for parents requesting parenting time with their children. If you wish to be the residential parent which is whom the child mainly lives with, you need to hire a Parenting Time Lawyer In Dayton OH. The courts consider many different things when placing the children with a residential parent. This is considered sole custody. Sole custody is normally given when the parents live far apart or when the parents cannot communicate effectively. This person will make all of the legal decisions for the child and the child lives primarily with them.

Shared parenting is another option for parenting time. In this type of arrangement, both parents are considered the residential parent. Decisions for the children are made by both parents. This would include major decisions such as religion, medical care, piercings, discipline, sports and events. One person is designated the residential parent for school purposes only. If you cannot agree on who will be the residential parent, the court will decide based on the best interest of the child. The court looks favorably upon this type of parenting because it lets both parents have input on their child’s life and decisions.

Split parenting is when both parents have equal time with the children. For example if the parents live close to each other and can communicate effectively, this type of arrangement can sometimes work. The courts do not look favorably upon this type of arrangement unless it’s in the best interest of the child. If the parents are in agreement with this type of arrangement the courts will usually award it. Parenting time is a highly emotional situation for many couples. It is wise to hire a Parenting Time Lawyer In Dayton OH to make sure that you protect your rights as a parent so you can have access to your children.

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