While adopting a child is a selfless and exciting thing you do, it can get quite complicated, and also confusing, not to mention downright scary. Many perspective adoptive parents dealing with a Norman Adoption, through the Deaconess Adoption Services, are really scared when it comes to the home study part of the process. While you do have to be at your best, and have all of your ducks in the proverbial row, there are tips to help you get through the home study process with your nerves in one piece. Below you will find some tips for how to get through the Norman Adoption home study process without a scratch.
The first thing you need to know is that the worker who comes out to your home want’s to find your home fit. She loves nothing more than to find good loving families for the children in her care, or she wouldn’t be there to start with. She is not out to get you, but she does have a job to do, and she will do it.
The next thing you need to do is focus. Remember that at the end of this long, hard road there is a child waiting for you to love her, and someone for you to love.
Next, organize. Get yourself a binder so that each part of the process you complete can go in the binder as it’s done. There are many steps like these, and many reams of paperwork that you will have to get through to adopt the child that you want. Put all of those papers in your binder as soon as you complete them.
You will need to prepare an autobiographical statement and you want to be honest. Just go with it, this is the best way for the social worker to understand your family. Who you are, how you got where you are, and where you are going. Getting through the home study process should be done as a family. You and your partner need to support each other and work through the paperwork and the process together, you should be fine if you follow the tips above.