Nifty Gadgets: T.38 Fax over IP

by | Jul 1, 2014 | Computers

There was a time (not so very long ago) that fax machines were clunky and cumbersome machines that somehow transmitted information from point A to point B. While many of us still do not understand how traditional fax machines function, they appear even more complicated and complex in their newer forms. But understanding these new gadgets is fundamental to understanding our increasingly digital culture. An example of this is T.38 fax over IP. Read on to learn more about these nifty gadgets and just how far we have come in the realm of information technologies.

The Inception of the T.38 Fax over IP

T.38 Fax technologies, which operate over IP, were first developed in 1998. At this time, the inventors of this technology wanted to create a way of sending faxes across IP networks that shared a similar fax terminal. As VOIP began to take off in the information technology world, traditional fax machines began to work poorly in comparison. In fact, traditional fax machines began to undergo massive disruptions including: delays, packet loss and jitter. For this reason, amendments to the traditional fax machine became a necessity—particularly in workplaces that depended on these machines for the operation of their businesses.

Basic Functioning: How T.38 Fax Technology Actually Works

You may be wondering, how do T.38 fax machines operate? In fact, you may be pondering if this operation is something that can be communicated about in layman’s terms. The answer is: it certainly can. To begin, at least a part of a fax call—from a T.38 fax machine—is carried out over PSTN to a fax gateway. In addition, two T.38 fax machines are well-equipped to both send and receive faxes between one another.

T.38 Trickery

Facsimile data sent from these machines relies on a sort of trickery in order to be delivered in the most efficient manner possible. To illustrate, facsimile data are essentially transmitted by way of modems. However modems do not deliver this data to the same degree of clarity as human beings would by way of their speech and hearing. Therefore the job of T.38 fax over IP technology is (essentially) for the modem to act as though it were communicating directly with t.30 terminal. So doing will rectify issues having to do with network delay and buffering. As you can see, T. 38 fax machines are highly sophisticated machines that both anticipate mishaps and enable the most effective and efficient sharing of information.

If you are looking to learn more about t.38 fax over IP, do not hesitate to contact the knowledgeable team at Axacore.

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