Maintaining your investment in landscaping can make the difference in more than just your property being attractive or not. Neglecting common elements such as Masonry Chatham NJ can significantly reduce your home’s resale value, it’s aesthetic value, and even become a dangerous hazard for you and your family. Here are three often neglected, but very important aspects of your landscaping that need to have regular maintenance.
1- Masonry
Regular Masonry Chatham NJ maintenance can be as simple as visually inspecting your home’s masonry at the change of each season. When you notice any changes in the masonry, contact a contractor that specializes in Masonry Chatham NJ and schedule an inspection of your property. They should be able to help you pinpoint the underlying cause of any decay or damage, as well as repair it both structurally and aesthetically.
2- Top dressing and mulching of flower beds
These are both very similar and can be checked while you are checking the Masonry Chatham NJ. Top dressing of your beds includes any work that needs to be done in order to level out or fill in depressions or hills that have developed in your flower beds. While you are inspecting the top dressing, visually inspect the mulch in your flower beds. Has it begun to decompose? Is it wearing thin in some areas? Schedule time to fix the things that you notice as soon as possible to keep the work load easy. It’s much simpler to do these things a few square feet at a time than to have to replace an entire bed all at once.
3-Water elements
There are few things as spectacular in a garden or lawn as a beautiful and well maintained water element. If you are lucky enough to have one of your own, it’s important to regularly inspect it in order to protect your investment and enjoyment. See if there is any algae or mold build-up in your water element or on the surrounding features. Clean these off regularly and treat with bio-safe deterrents. Make sure that all the working components are functioning properly and are showing no signs of wear. Make any replacements necessary.
Maintaining your lawn and garden doesn’t have to be an overwhelming prospect. By spending a few minutes each week just looking at and enjoying your landscape and completing maintenance as soon as it’s needed, you can prevent serious issues from cropping up later. Visit us for more Info!
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