Money-Saving Tips to Try Before Hiring a Plumber in Binghamton NY

by | Apr 25, 2013 | Plumbing and Plumbers

If you own or rent a home, you will eventually need a plumber. A good Plumber Binghamton NY doesn’t come cheap, but there are some ways you can save on your next service call. Below are some money-saving tips:

Compare hourly rates: For most people, the hourly rate is the first thing considered when comparison-shopping for plumbing services. It may seem simple to hire the most reliable firm with the least-expensive rate, but it does not always work that way. Reputability is a subjective term, and many think that if they’ve heard of a particular company over the years, they are reliable. Especially in the plumbing industry, some of the most highly-promoted firms have the worst customer service records.

Reduce the need for Plumbing Binghamton NY: A different approach to saving money is to reduce your need for the service. Most plumbing service calls concern drains, which commonly get clogged with hair and grease. Reduce buildup by using a commercially-available drain clearing product, or by pouring boiling water down the drain occasionally.

Frozen pipes are also a concern in some places; protect against them by ensuring that the spaces around them are adequately heated or insulated. When cold weather hits, disconnect your hoses, turn off the cutoff valve and turn on the outdoor spigot to remove water from the pipes.

Buy fixtures yourself: Usually, a plumber will sell you the fixtures to be installed, but you can get the same products at a lower cost from a home improvement store. This approach can save money, but you should be careful to ensure that the part you buy comes with all the necessary parts.

Liability is another important concern when you supply your own parts. If you provide the fixture and it malfunctions, there can be a dispute as to who is responsible. To avoid such controversy, ask your Plumber Binghamton NY which brands they recommend.

Reduce billable hours: This easy step is frequently overlooked. Before calling a professional, check all your fixtures and faucets, listing everything which is clogged, dripping or leaking. When the plumber comes out, have them repair everything on the list.

Install water-efficient fixtures: When you use less water, you can save on both sewage treatment and water costs. If you have older fixtures, consider replacing rather than repairing them; the amount you save on your utility bill will cover the cost of the purchase.

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