The amount of money you receive from the Social Security system after you retire depends on how many years you worked and how much money you paid into the system. Chances are pretty good that the Social Security system took chunks of your paychecks through taxes every single year that you worked unless you were a public employee. Pension plans are something that would be offered to you through a private employer. The money you receive for a pension is based on your salary and the number of years you worked. It is not uncommon for someone to receive a monthly check for Social Security benefits and pension. Naturally, a lot of people wonder whether or not receiving a pension is going to affect their Social Security benefits. Fortunately, that is not always the case.
One of the first questions you might ask one of the Social Security Disability Lawyer in Missouri is whether or not receiving a pension is going to reduce the amount of Social Security benefits you receive. The fact that both a pension and Social Security required you to pay into a system over a number of years means that it is not likely for either of these payments to reduce the amount of the other one. You have to understand that your Social Security benefits and pension are both a source of money that you have already earned. Legally, the government cannot take that away.
Any of the Social Security Disability Lawyer in Missouri will tell you that it is important to make sure you were actually paying Social Security and a pension. It is not uncommon for you to think you were paying into the Social Security system only to find out you were only paying into the pension system. This is because there are certain professions where you are not required to pay into the Social Security system. You could sit down with any lawyer at a law firm such as Grundy Disability Group and they would be able to look over your work history and tell you whether or not you qualify for a pension and Social Security benefits.