Learning to Live without Bias

by | Feb 26, 2014 | Religion

Even the most well meaning people can unknowingly live their life with biases, racism or prejudice. Each one of these things is slightly different from the other, yet all contain judgement and sometimes even hate. God wants all of us to live in peace and harmony without hatred for other races or religions, traits or even sexes. It can be difficult as we live in a society in which people are both knowingly and unknowingly casting dispersion upon each other which can influence the opinions of those around them in a negative manner.


Racism is a very specific form of hate directed at a specific race of people. Racism can be passed on for centuries through families, especially those who live in countries constantly under strife or living in war or oppression. This is a terrible hate to carry in your heart and God wants you to think of all people as equal. Often people are racist as they believe God would want them to distrust or view those of other religions as unworthy of his love. However we must all live in harmony with the belief all mankind has good and is deserving of love.


Prejudice can be aimed towards any group of people based on the way they dress, their sexual orientation or even on what they do for a living. This is a terrible and very judgemental way to look at people and God wants you to know that every person is different and therefore you cannot base an opinion on the way someone looks or by the people with whom they associate. Instead you must trust in God’s love which he shares with everyone and live with the view that all people are good.


A bias is not necessarily based on hate. It can be based on misinformation where you might feel that a younger doctor or female doctor might not be as skilled as an older male doctor. It could also be a belief that fat people are lazier and therefore you only hire thin people. Remembering God wants us to view all people through his eyes and not have any preconceived notions about people is the best way to avoid biases. A Bible Prophecy can help you learn to avoid being judgemental of others and to stop painting a group of people with a single brush.

The Zoe Ministry can provide a free bible prophecy to help guide you and find more resilience to deal with hardship. Visit Domain today.

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