Lasers for Acne Scaring and Hair Removal in St Paul, MN

by | May 7, 2013 | Health

For patients who lived with acne, just living with and getting rid of the acne can be difficult enough. It may be a condition the patient has lived with for years. As a result, by the time a patient has finally gotten rid of the acne, they can still be left with reminders of it in the form of Acne Scaring St Paul MN. Acne scars are caused by the inflammation within the tissues. As the skin heals, it may produce excessive amounts of collagen in spots, which result in scars.

Depending on the appearance of the Acne Scaring St Paul MN, the scars may be referred to by several different names. Box car scars are so named because they have an angular shape and they look like chickenpox scars. Hypertrophic scars are keloid scars, made of thick and fibrous collagen lesions. Ice pick scars are deep scars. Rolling scars are named due to their wavy-looking appearance, like rolling waves.

Dermabrasion is used to treat raised Acne Scaring St Paul MN. Traditional dermabrasion sands the top layer off of the skin. The patient needs to be under anesthetic due to the pain, and it may take months for the skin to heal. Newer dermabrasion treatment is now done by laser. Laser treatment can be done on hypertrophic scars.

In addition to acne scar treatment, another user of lasers in dermatology is in Laser Hair Removal. There are even laser hair removal machines that are designed and priced for consumers to use at home. Laser hair removal is widely available now not just in medical clinics but in clinics specializing in hair removal. The laser light acts on melanin, so the most successful candidates for laser hair removal are people with light-colored skin and black or brown hair.

Laser treatment for hair removal is classified by the FDA as a means of permanent hair reduction, but not for permanent hair removal. That means that it can certainly result in long-term hair reduction, but a certain amount of hair may re-grow. It is possible for some or even all of the hair to re-grow at some point.



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