All parents want to do the very best they can to ensure their children are happy, healthy and have a wide range of opportunities in their life. This may include providing local physical therapy sessions while young bodies are developing.
Sometimes the range of motion, body posture, gait or the ability to move and ability to complete daily activities is delayed or develops in an atypical way in very young children. Other children may have congenital conditions or syndromes which will have an impact on their ability to move or to achieve milestones in their development.
Working with a physical therapy service providing treatment for younger children is a proactive and positive option for parents to consider. This is often recommended by the child’s pediatrician or by a neurological doctor or specialists.
What is Physical Therapy?
Local physical therapy in Asheville NC is practiced using specific techniques including guided exercise and activities as well as physical manipulation of the muscles to increase movement, decrease pain and help to provide a normal range of motion. For young children, this may be instrumental in allowing continued development of range of motion to provide the best possible movement and functioning level as they age and grow.
When physical therapy is provided for children, it is fun, interactive and includes a lot of games and child-centered activities. Through the use of specific equipment children will learn balance, movement and assistance in working with mobility equipment such as crutches, braces, walkers and other devices to maximize their gross muscle control and movement.
What to Expect
For children attending physical therapy, Mom and Dad or a caregiver are typically encouraged to sit in and participate in the activities. This allows the physical therapists to work with the adults in the child’s life to continue safe and effective exercises at home and between sessions.
When attending a physical therapy clinic with experience in working with children you, and your child, will have a very positive experience. Through games and fun activities, kids are encouraged to safely try new types of movement and to gain confidence in their abilities.
Children tend to look forward to their physical therapy and often develop a very positive relationship with the therapist. When they are older, and depending on the scope of the sessions, more advanced and age appropriate therapeutic methods will be included in their treatment plan.