Keep Your Basement Dry with a Waterproofing Contractor in Cambridge MA

by | Aug 27, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

It is not uncommon to find a leaky or damp basement inside of homes and buildings. For many, they just accept the fact that basements can leak and do not take action. They feel that a little bit of leaking is no big deal. Often, they feel there is no real way to prevent the leaking. However, this can be very damaging to a home or building. Just the water inside the building can pose serious issues, such as mold. There are also severe structural damages that can occur from a leaky or damp basement. There are solutions for every leaky basement. If your basement has issues with leaking, a Waterproofing Contractor in Cambridge MA can help.

Basements of homes and buildings tend to be underground. They are often surrounded by soil. When it rains, the water can build up around the basement area in the soil. Over time, the water can create weaknesses in the structure. This can let the water enter the basement. Once the water enters, the area is prone to mold. This can cause serious health issues in people and pets. The damage does not stop there. If not corrected, cracks in walls and floors can occur. This can also lead to bowing and separation of basement walls. Foundation can also be damaged by water flowing through. These issues, left untreated, can cause serious and dangerous structural issues to the entire structure.

Companies, such as Drycrete Waterproofing, can offer solutions for any damp basement. They offer systems to help divert water, such as drainage systems and sump pumps. They also offer ways to keep soil water from seeping through the walls. This can include concrete sealing and waterproof membranes. These steps can help minimize the damage caused by water surrounding your basement. Early steps to keep out water, can reduce the need for more costly steps. A Waterproofing Contractor in Cambridge MA can offer waterproofing solutions for new construction, as well. Whatever the cause, they have a method to keep the water out of your basement. This can help minimize costly damage and potentially dangerous risks to those in the building.

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