Some people think the most difficult part of home buying and selling is the decision to do so. In reality, the hardest part is waiting for your home to sell. You may spend many weekends frantically cleaning and then consigning your family to basement or Grandma’s while your Realtor Louisville shows the house, then subsequently keeping your fingers crossed for someone to express interest. Playing the waiting game can be murder on your nerves, but there are a few inside tips you can use to boost your odds of success. These come straight from one of the most experienced real estate agents in Louisville with a long record of successful home sales. Following these tips can make the experience a little less traumatic and hopefully a lot more successful..
To begin, it’s important to stage your home well. Cleaning is obviously essential and many sellers actually utilize the services of a professional cleaning agency to be sure that the home is in top notch condition. You should also address any obvious flaws like scratched or torn flooring, cracked window panes, and dingy paint on sills and door jambs. These may seem like minor details, but they can have a significant impact on the overall impression that buyers get from your home. Take care of the little things, and the big things won’t seem so bad. In terms of furniture, experiment with different arrangements to change the feel of the room as well as how buyers perceive it. Some home owners remove one or two items of furniture in order to make rooms seem more spacious and open, and this can be a useful technique. Just make sure that when you store the removed furniture, it’s not in a place where it looks junky or crowded. Finally, simply updating the curtains or blinds in the home can have a major effect and freshen up the room without requiring too much financial outlay. It’s a simple thing but it makes a big difference.
Take it from the satisfied customers of Altec Properties LLC as well as the leading Realtor Louisville: Make a few small changes, clear some space, and you’ll see success in your home selling quest.