When you’re a high-profile company, firm, or organization, you are always faced with potential risks. Sometimes, an individual or entity can be spying on your assets or stealing from your company right under your nose. When you have sneaking suspicions about a suspect, go with your instincts and hire a professional investigator.
Filing a lawsuit is no joke. That’s why our GISS International professionals offer the best lawsuit investigations New York can offer. We know how to cross boundaries, commit to constant surveillance, and obtain data in over 17 different languages so that your suspect will not get away with their crime. Follow through with your lawsuit and trust in us to gather your evidence and prepare for a successful trial.
Company or Domestic Investigations are On Our List
Whether you are investigating someone for legal purposes, or you are in need of some investigative services to solve a domestic dispute, our team has the experience needed to get the job done right. When you enter a marriage, you make a promise of trust to the person you’re with. If you have reason to believe your partner has breached that trust, they might need a closer look into their private lives. Your safety and that of your children can be at stake.
Surveillance and Background Checking
The team of lawsuit investigators at GISS International is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art equipment and technology to help with ultimate surveillance services. Whether you need to install cameras in different locations or you are in need of long-rage mobility, we have the tools to get the job done right.
Our team also commits to ensuring that your person of interest is subject to regular background checks. You may need to find out more about someone including their employment history, personal record, driving history, and any other public notes. This can be integral to the safety of your business and the trustworthiness of a potential new hire. Our detectives are trained in law enforcement and understand the ins and outs of working with sensitive and high-risk investigative material.
Get an Investigator on Your Side Today
GISS International is here to help you with all of your investigative needs. Whether you need heavy surveillance, domestic trailing, or litigation support, our team is experienced and ready to help in any way. Reach out to us as soon as possible to explore your investigation options.