Improve Your Smile and Oral Health Today With a Custom Dental Implant

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Dental

When you are missing a tooth, you may feel self-conscious about the way you look or speak. Just one missing tooth can have a big impact on your ability to bite into food and chew it properly. When you visit an implants dentist in Bloomingdale, you can be evaluated to see if you are a candidate for this procedure. Consider these three benefits of replacing a missing tooth with an implant.

Improved Dental Health
When a tooth is missing, your nearby teeth are impacted as well. The teeth to the left and right of the empty spot may shift out of place. This could change your bite and cause trouble with cleaning, chewing, speaking and more. Because teeth fit together vertically, the tooth above or below will have nothing to match up to when biting and chewing. Getting an implant restores full function to your teeth.

Maintain Jaw Strength
When a tooth is removed, your jaw bone loses some tissue. Over time, this can cause your jaws to weaken. Your gums may also recede from nearby teeth, which puts the other teeth at risk of getting loose. An implant promotes regeneration of jaw bone and gum tissue.

Look and Feel Better
If your missing tooth is visible when you talk or smile, you may feel self-conscious about the way you look. Getting the missing tooth replaced with a dental implant could restore your confidence. The implant is custom-made for you in a dental laboratory, and because it looks like a natural tooth, it helps to seamlessly improve your appearance. Afterward, you may be excited about having your photo taken again.

For more information about implants, contact the Pure Dental Spa implants dentist in Bloomingdale by phone or online.

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