Periodontal diseases affect the tissues supporting the teeth. All of these tissues are called the periodontium. The periodontium consists of four tissues: the gingiva, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum. When periodontal disease is limited to the gum, gingivitis is the term dentists’ use. When it affects the entire periodontium, the term periodontitis is used. At this point, seeing your local Dentist Tulsa is advised.
Gingivitis is caused by plaque, consisting of a microbial community, which comprises bacteria, viruses, protozoa and yeast. A patient can eliminate plaque with good oral hygiene. This comprises of a very thorough brushing and flossing routine. If there are no predisposed genetic factors in play, periodontal disease can be stopped well in advance.
Different class of gingivitis
Gingivitis is simply an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque. However, there are classes of the disease.
1. Generalized hypertrophic gingivitis is favored by certain drugs, including anti-epileptics and some beta-blockers.
2. Localized hypertrophic gingivitis is favored by certain female hormones (common in pregnant women).
3. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (GUN) is dealing with tissue destruction by necrosis without pocket formation. It is generally triggered by a very large stress, or a serious illness. Most immunosuppression trigger GUN.
Non-surgical treatment
1. Rigorous oral hygiene. This is a prerequisite for any periodontal treatment. No treatment can be effective in the absence of good hygiene. Brushing should be done twice a day for at least three minutes with a soft toothbrush. Floss should also be used.
2. Scaling. Tartar is removed using ultrasonic (scaler) or mechanical (curette) instruments.
3. Root planing. When the gum is peeled back, it can generate a defense. This is because it is locating the infected issues locally. This is usually performed after scaling and applies only to the part of the sub-gingival root surface. Root planing is performed under local anesthesia, mostly. It is performed, usually by non-surgical means, as well.
Surgical treatment
When the disease is too advanced, a further surgical treatment is indicated. All these treatments may have contraindications: avoid smoking, diabetes, immunocompromised individuals, etc.
1. Scaling/planing. The Dentist Tulsa (or periodontist) makes a flap to go directly to the root surface.
2. Filling pocket. This is the back bone of treatment, using synthetic bone.
3. Guided tissue regeneration. This technique uses the tissues of the individual to regenerate collagen membranes associated with synthetic bone.
For further information on fighting oral diseases, contact Carletti Dentistry & Associates today.