How to Prepare For Getting a Dental Implant in St Peter MN

by | Oct 16, 2018 | Dental Care

Dental implants have come a long way over the years and are now made to look and feel more natural than ever before. With an implant in place, individuals can overcome the embarrassment of missing teeth and find themselves being able to chew more effectively. With the following information, individuals will better understand what they can expect from the process when they get a dental implant in St Peter MN.

What Happens With a Dental Implant?

The process of getting a dental implant in St Peter MN takes place over a series of appointments. The first step is the surgery to place the dental implant rod into the jawbone, and this is the most extensive step in the process.

The dental rod is made of titanium, which is an important metal because it bonds with bone tissue. As the body accepts the rod, it begins to grow new bone cells around it, so the rod becomes a permanent part of the bone. This process takes a few months to be complete.

Once the bonding process has taken place, the dentist will create an opening over the rod so the abutment can be added. The abutment can come in different shapes and allows for the joining of the implant rod base and the prosthetic tooth.

When the dentist has joined all three pieces together, individuals will only be able to see the prosthetic portion of the tooth. All of the hardware will be hidden under the gum tissue so it will not be seen, offering a completely natural look that blends in well with the rest of the person’s natural teeth.

Schedule a Consultation

Before a person can get a dental implant, they need to be deemed a good candidate by the dentist. If the patient does not have ample bone density in the jawbone, bone grafts may need to be carried out before the installation of the implant rod.

If you are interested in learning more about dental implants and how they can benefit your smile, visit us. To schedule your consultation appointment, give the office a call today to get started.

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