How to Find the Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in Portland

by | Nov 15, 2013 | Law Services

Bankruptcy is something that many people contemplate but some never follow through with. It’s one of the best ways to achieve financial relief when the burden of debts weigh you down. The burden of too much debt will have a negative impact on your life and it will also scar your financial future. The best way to get the financial relief you need is to file bankruptcy. As bad as it may seem to you, bankruptcy really is a solution that many individuals need. When making preparations to file bankruptcy, you will need to find the Best bankruptcy lawyers in Portland to file and handle your case for you. Here are some recommended ways to find legal representation for bankruptcy proceedings.

Begin by looking for lawyer listings in your local yellow pages. There will most likely be multiple listings. Sift through them and call at least three different attorneys and schedule a consultation. Make sure you are prepared with a list of the debts you owe. You will need debtors names, addresses and your account numbers if you have them available.

Another way to find the Best bankruptcy lawyers in Portland is to ask friends, family and co-workers who they recommend. Word of mouth referrals is one of the best ways to find an attorney who can handle your case. This will definitely get you on the right track.

The internet is full of useful information about lawyers in almost every area you can think of. Use search engines and find information about lawyers in your area that will handle bankruptcy cases. Contact the ones that interest you and schedule a consultation with them. You will most likely discover that the price on bankruptcy is going to be very close to the same with many lawyers.

When meeting with the lawyers, make sure you ask them about the fees involved. You will also want to openly discuss information about each of the debts you owe. You are likely to have secured and unsecured debt. Ask as many questions as it takes to ensure that you understand how the bankruptcy process works.

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