How to Become a TEFL Teacher and Gain Certification

by | Nov 23, 2012 | Uncategorized

Being a TEFL teacher will be a life-changing experience because not only will you get to travel the world but also, you will be able to establish bonds with people from various countries. This challenging job role is a brilliant way to express your personality through teaching English and because the job offers good earning potential, you could set yourself up for life. If you are interested in becoming a professional TEFL teacher but are unsure of where to start, this advice should steer you in the right direction.

Get Experience

Experience is essential if you want to become a TEFL teacher because teaching people English is not an easy task. You should be confident when speaking in front of people and should possess the skills to make teaching easy and fun.  It would help if you had a degree that would go in your favor for landing the job role, but this is not a necessity. Consider getting some volunteer jobs before you apply to become a TEFL teacher and think about learning some foreign languages, to make the job that little bit easier.

Choosing the Certification Level

You should feel comfortable with the certification level because the key to successful learning is learning at your own pace. Some workshops are taught online, which is a flexible option if you lead a busy lifestyle or alternatively, you can find 5-week courses at local colleges and community centers. The 5-week courses will enable you to gain the Certificate for English Language Teaching to Adults. This is also known as a CELTA and when selecting the correct certification make sure certain topics are covered, such as planning lessons and classroom management. The more in-depth the certification is, the more equipped you will be when traveling the globe to teach English.

Find Jobs Online

A great resource for TEFL jobs is the TEFL website. On this website you can find a job portal, which displays updated jobs around the world. New jobs are uploaded on a daily basis and you will notice that certain countries have job openings more than others. This includes places like China, Brazil and Russia, where the demand for work is always high. When you apply for a job it is likely you will have a phone interview, so that the person offering the job can assess your communication skills over the phone. If you can win them over through a phone call, you will pass with flying colors when you stand up in front of a classroom. Be sure to explain all of your skills when in the interview, because this will make you stand out.

Begin your new career by applying for  in exotic countries around the world. To view the latest job openings, read the TEFL guide and get teacher training advice, visit


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