Ever since the human race started to give themselves tattoos, there have been tattooed people who wish that they had never had it done to them. Back in the rain forest when tribesmen used a thorn to force vegetable dyes permanently into their skins, there was very little that could be done to remove a tattoo without much pain and serious after affects.
Even in a modern city like Austin Texas, there are still misconceptions about the permanency of a tattoo. The inks and dyes that make the tattoo are permanently injected into your skin and, while some colors may fade a little with time, the ink itself should be considered permanent for so long as your bones are covered by skin.
OK But, You Don’t Want Permanent Anymore
You have a tattoo (maybe even several) but a time has come when you fervently wish that they were gone from your body! Naturally, that is when you will be tempted to find out about Laser Tattoo Removal In Austin, Texas. You will be especially interested in things like – is it painful, is it safe and can I afford it? What you find out may surprise you; it need not be painful and it can also be both safe and affordable. In the same way that the good tattoo parlors have continuously striven to improve their safety record; the reverse service of tattoo removal clinics has, likewise, made great strides in safety and the efficiency of their removal methods.
Is It REALLY Safe?
The older removal methods basically involved removing the skin tissue that contained the tattoo ink and this obviously involved damage to the tattooed area of your body. Ignoring any questions about pain and discomfort, invasive action of this type would also lead to risk of possible infection and would, invariably result in some scarring. Fortunately, with today’s technology, when you go to a clinic for Laser Tattoo Removal In Austin, their equipment is specifically designed so as to break down the tattoo inks with minimal damage to the surrounding living tissue. Before selecting a suitable clinic, check that they are using the latest laser technology (e.g. “Q-switching”) and that their staff are fully trained certified laser operatives. So long as the clinic says “yes” to those questions, your tattoo removal should be both safe and invisible.