How loving yourself Brings Love into your Life

by | Jan 29, 2014 | Religion

Many people spend years of their lives searching for someone to love them but they have never taken the time to learn to love them selves. Loving yourself is not about having a big ego or being full of conceit. Instead loving yourself means fully appreciating the gift of life God has bestowed upon you and believing in yourself without worry or jealousy of what others around you are doing. Bernard Jordan can help you learn to love yourself through a personal prophecy that will help you recognize your talents and use them to feel good about your purpose here.

Inward Focus
One of the mistakes we make is worrying about what everyone else is doing. We see the man next door is driving a better car or has a greener lawn. We see co-workers being promoted or envy the life and money of celebrities. But God wants you to know if you look inwards you will see yourself and see what you can do to better yourself. The first step to becoming a better person is welcoming Jesus into your heart. From there you will find his light guides you and day by day things will become easier as you learn to love who you are.

Outward Examples
The closer you become to Jesus the more obvious it will be to those around you. You will become an easier person to get along with and you will show that you have goodness in your heart. When people see the light of God in your eyes they will be more trusting of you and want to be closer to you. But more importantly the closer you are to Jesus the more you will love yourself. This is what will allow you to love others and find more love in your life.

Open your Heart
God loves you but you have to be open to loving him. Once you open your heart and let God in you will be able to open your heart and let others in as well. You will be ready to share your love in a truly fulfilling relationship and finally find the love of your life. You will be able to share your lives together and start a family and live as God wishes, in happiness.

If you would like to experience the prophetic powers of Bernard Jordan visit Domain for information on how you can receive your free personal prophecy.

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