How Asphalt Millings are Turned Into Driveways in Newnan, GA

by | Jun 11, 2021 | Paving Contractor

The use of recycled materials in home improvement projects is becoming very popular. But very few people realize that recycled materials can be used in the driveway as well. One of the big options for recycled materials in the driveway is the use of asphalt millings. It does have many advantages over concrete including a cheaper price tag.

The Asphalt Millings In Newnan, GA are obtained from a variety of sources. It is obtained from things like old roads, parking lots that are no longer needed and new paving jobs that are looking for a place to get rid of their old asphalt. These pieces of asphalt are the base for the millings. By recycling these pieces of asphalt, the energy of producing the substance is reduced. With only a little effort from a couple of machines, these pieces are transformed into something quite usable. By picking up the old pieces of asphalt, the process is much cheaper than making concrete.

Once the pieces of asphalt has been obtained, the asphalt is then crushed up into smaller pieces. The process of making Asphalt Millings in Newnan, GA is similar to the process of making crushed glass or crushed stone. The result is a fine gravel that is easily transported by a dump truck to the site and is ready for use in the driveway. These trucks are typically smaller than concrete trucks and they don’t have a time limit of when they have to be poured. The millings can wait until the driveway is ready.

Then the Asphalt Millings in Newnan, GA are poured into the prepared driveway that is composed of dirt. The millings are spread out in an even layer. Then they are compressed by several machines to ensure the material is properly packed down. The process takes far less times than waiting for concrete to dry and cure. Once the process is accomplished, the new driveway is immediately ready for cars

The result is a quality asphalt paving that will last for quite a long time. Not only will the new driveway stand out from the neighbors, it is an economical product. It is also a product that doesn’t take a lot of time to install.

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