Anxiety and panic disorders can turn lives upside down. While some people turn to medication, others seek out therapy and some natural means of restoring their emotional health. Visits to an acupuncture clinic in Lakewood, CO, could be part of the solution for you.
What can acupuncture do to aid in recovering from anxiety disorders. One school of thought is that the nervous system is negatively impacted by stress and other factors that pave the way for panic attacks, mind racing, and other common symptoms. By using acupuncture to restore the proper flow of energy through the body, it’s possible to heal the compromised nerves. As this happens, the anxiety weakens and the attacks occur less frequently.
How many treatments are needed to help with anxiety? A lot depends on the patient’s condition and the severity of the emotional illness. A professional at a local acupuncture clinic in Lakewood, CO, will likely recommend two sessions per week for a month. After that, an evaluation will determine if the treatments need to continue.
The choice is yours. Would you like to minimize the risk associated with addiction to anxiety medications? If so, give acupuncture a try. Many patients find that they begin to feel better during the first session, reporting that the mind racing seems to calm a little while still in the clinic. After a couple of weeks, the difference may be noticeable even after leaving the clinic. When that’s the case, acupuncture is just what you need.
Contact Foothills Acupuncture: Lakewood/Denver Acupuncture for more information.