Hotel in St George UT: Stay At A Hotel Or A Motel?

by | Jan 14, 2014 | Hotels and Resorts

Chances are pretty good that you have heard a friend or family member say that they have booked a room at a Hotel in St George UT. You have also probably heard someone say that they booked a room at a motel at some point in time before too. It is not uncommon for people to try to use the words hotel and motel interchangeably. However, you have to understand that hotels and motels are not the same thing.

A Hotel in St George UT is an establishment that was created with the intention of providing someone with a place to stay for a short period of time. The word hotel was actually derived from the French. When it translates to English it means townhouse. Obviously, hotels offer their guests a lot of amenities including a swimming pool, weight rooms, restaurants and child care. They even have big rooms that can be used for meeting or conference rooms if you have booked the hotel for a business trip.

The name motel derived from the phrase motorist’s hotel. In general, a motel is usually a lot cheaper than a hotel. It is also usually lower quality as well. Motels were originally created to be hotels that also provided parking spaces for their guests. Motels are actually set up to look and feel a lot like an apartment complex. It is not uncommon for there to be parking spaces right in front of the door of your motel room. It is also not uncommon for people to stay in motels for weeks or months at a time because of how affordable they usually are. Most motels offer weekly and even monthly rates whereas that is not something that hotels would ever offer.

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