How do you know when it is time to invest in Home Care For Elderly Washington DC for your loved one? In reality, it’s not really difficult to figure out if it is time for an elderly person to receive extra help with day-today living. In this article, we’re going to share a few tips on how to know when it’s time for your loved one to receive additional care.
Surefire Signs it’s Time for Home Care For Elderly Washington DC:
Does your loved one have difficulty managing routine tasks? For example, are they having problems with simple things we take for granted like cooking, dressing, bathing, etc.?
1. You have noticed your loved one has unpleasant body odor, increased weight gain or loss? Have you noticed any increase in frailty?
2. Your loved one has lost interest in relationships with friends? They no longer participate in activities they ‘recently’ used to participate in?
3. They seem kind of sheltered. They no longer leave the house. Your loved one is beginning to have difficulty with driving.
4. Their security alarm system is outdated. They forget important things like changing the batteries on smoke detectors.
5. You have noticed that your loved one has neglected feeding his or her pets regularly.
6. In the case of an emergency, such as a hurricane, earthquake or any kind of natural disaster, will your older loved one know how to take care of themselves?
7. His or her house has become very disorganized with papers sprawled out everywhere. You have noticed that they haven’t done laundry in a very long time.
8. Your loved one has failed to take his or her medication on a daily basis.
9. Have you noticed piles of unopened overdue or unpaid bills? Is the mail piling up in the mailbox?
10. Do they have a lot of spoiled foods in the refrigerator? Have you noticed that their kitchen is no longer clean and organized? They haven’t done food shopping in a very long time. They have dirty dishes piled in the sink. This is definitely a sign that your loved one will benefit from Home Care For Elderly Washington DC.
11. Their home has obvious signs of fire hazards. For example, they forget to turn off the stove and oven. Your loved one has frequent falls? They fail to go to the doctor for regular checkups.
These are just a few obvious signs that it may be time for you to invest in Home Care For Elderly Washington DC for your family member.
Right at VMT Home Health Agency offers Home Care For Elderly Washington DC for matured adults. For more information about home care options, visit: