When a homeowner wishes to boost the curb appeal of their property, tending to an asphalt driveway is one way to accomplish this task. There are several unique options available when upgrading this area of land. Contacting Sullivan Paving in Madison CT is the first step in getting started. Consider hiring the service to make one of these improvements to give a driveway a fresh, new look.
Add A Colorful Hue
An asphalt driveway will stand out from neighbouring properties if it is a different color from the norm. A paving service can easily add a layer of colored asphalt directly over the present driveway to give the surface a whole new look. Consider matching the color to the home’s exterior or use a complementary color to make the driveway stand out tremendously.
Use Recycled Asphalt
The use of chip and tar asphalt is a wonderful way to help the environment when changing the appearance of a driveway. Bits of old asphalt mixed with a filling agent will give a driveway texture. This type of paving substance is cheaper than traditional asphalt. It gives a home a splash of character while providing the driveway with an interesting surface in the process.
Line The Driveway With Stone
Adding stone, brick, or pavers to the sides of a driveway will make the surface feel wider. Match the added medium to the existing asphalt color or make it stand out by selecting a contrasting hue. Placing a different medium along the perimeter will give the driveway dimension and helps to keep vehicles within their boundaries.
Consider Using Sealcoating
When a paving company adds seal coating to asphalt, a driveway becomes protected against premature damage such as fading or cracking. It is best to add seal coat to a driveway yearly, so it maintains a dark, smooth surface.
When there is a desire to upgrade an asphalt driveway, calling a service like Sullivan Paving in Madison CT is the first step in creating the look desired. Take a look at Website today to browse the services offered and to get contact information to schedule an appointment with a specialist.