Child custody lawyers in Sierra Vista help you acquire child custody after efforts during your divorce trial were unsuccessful. Through this process you will present information to the judge about your spouse and why you feel you deserve custody. Your attorney can assist you in efforts to receive any form of custody you prefer. This attorney will also address the subject of child support during this case after you receive custody of your children. To hire an attorney to help you with child custody contact Joseph Mendoza today.
Protecting the Interests of Your Children
Risk factors associated with your former spouse must be addressed during your child custody case. It is necessary for you to bring any potential risks to the attention of your attorney and the judge presiding over your case. When a protection order is issued during a divorce case, this order does carry over into the child custody case in most circumstances. The stipulations of this order may apply at the conclusion of the case. Any violation of this order can affect how the judge rules in the custody case.
Local Custody Attorneys
The Law Offices of Joseph Mendoza presents you with options in terms of child custody and support. This options allow you to initiate your rights as a parent to raise your child with or without the input of your former spouse. The manner in which custody is assigned affects several factors of your life. This attorney can provide clarity in terms of these affects and protect your interests within your trial. He will assist you in providing evidence to the judge when your former spouse poses a threat to your children and fight for your right to child custody. To learn more about what this attorney can do for you.
With Child custody lawyers in Sierra Vista, you can fight for your right to custody of your children. These attorneys are familiar with laws that apply to your circumstances. They can explain your rights and how the different forms of child custody affect you, your spouse, and your children. If you had a protection order during your divorce case, you should bring this to the attention of your child custody attorney and provide him or her with details of any violations of this order.