The Law Office of Steven Crell, attorneys in Indianapolis represents victims and their families after an 18-wheeler accident. In these cases, the attorneys will acquire evidence based on the findings of the highway patrol investigation of this accident along with medical records for you or your loved one. Accidents that produce a fatality are handled through wrongful death litigation. However, victims who sustained injuries and survived have the legal right to file a claim to acquire coverage for their medical and automobile repair costs. To discuss your case with Mr. Crell or his associates call their office locally at the number listed on their website.
Litigating an 18-Wheeler Accident
After an 18-Wheeler accident, highway patrol or local law enforcement agencies conduct a full-scale investigation to determine the exact cause for the accident. This investigation is utilized to determine whether any criminal activity such as DUI or DWI played a role in the accident. It is also require by commercial trucking companies for insurance purposes.
Once your attorney has the report generated from this investigation, your claim is filed in court with the report attached. This report will determine who is held responsible for your injuries and automobile damage. In the event that it is ruled that a faulty part on the truck caused the accident, the manufacturer is listed within the lawsuit along with the individual or company that install the part onto the truck.
Accidents that involved an intoxicated or otherwise impaired truck driver may lead to additional criminal charges. In these cases it is probable for your civil case to depend upon the outcome of the criminal case against the truck driver. Your attorney can provide you with guidance in this process to determine the most probable course of action.
With assistance through the Law Office of Steven Crell, attorneys in Indianapolis, you have effective help when filing a lawsuit for wrongful death or personal injury after an 18-Wheeler accident. These accidents often produce detrimental injuries which could cause a permanent disability or even a fatality. The attorneys within this law firm understand the necessary process for litigating these accident cases based on the findings of the highway patrol investigation.