Finding out or even suspecting that your spouse is cheating is can be a devastating experience. Typically the wronged spouse feels hurt and angry while the cheating spouse might feel panic or guilt that his actions could result in a breakup of the family. If you suspect marital infidelity, ou’ll need proof that he is no longer honoring your marriage vows before you take him to court for divorce proceedings. An experienced private investigator from All State Investigations can help you collect essential information on your spouse.
Infidelity generally doesn’t prohibit a divorce from being granted in the US or impact the distribution of marital assets in most cases. However, in some states that still have at-fault divorce laws on their books, infidelity will have a bearing on how alimony is determined. In some cases it can eliminate the alimony a spouse may be paid or reduce alimony that has already been awarded. However, the primary way infidelity impacts divorce proceedings is in the distribution of the marital assets. An investigator’s proof of infidelity may make your straying spouse much more likely to accept your settlement demands.
If you must hire a private investigator to prove that your spouse is cheating, you need to carefully consider your options. There are several questions you should ask when choosing the investigator. A licensed investigator is a must, but you should also determine whether the surveillance methods he uses are legal in your state. Information obtained illegally not only will not be thrown out in divorce court but could also open you up to a potential lawsuit filed by your spouse or the person he’s cheating with. You should also ask how deep the investigation will go and discuss the type of evidence the investigator plans to collect.
All State Investigations personnel are experienced in proving that a cheating spouse has shown an inclination to commit infidelity as well as the opportunity to do so. Investigators can indicate that your spouse is showing affection to a partner that goes beyond the bounds of a typical friendship. Proof that your spouse is following up on the opportunity to cheat includes documentation that he and his partner have gone to a hotel, a residence or even a vehicle together to commit adultery. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, it’s best to be informed. An good investigator from All State Investigations can provide the necessary evidence.