Heed These Helpful Tips from a Foot Specialist About Heel Pain in Joliet

by | Jul 1, 2021 | Podiatry

There are many possible causes of heel pain that usually do not indicate the need for surgery. Some of these heel pain causes include Achilles’ tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, inflamed tendons, bone spurs, stress fractures and others. Heed these helpful tips from a leading foot specialist regarding heel
pain in Joliet

Use Gentle Stretching, Rest & Custom Foot Orthotics for Heel Discomfort Treatment

The vast majority of the more than 2 million cases of heel pain in the United States can be resolved with simple non-surgical treatment measures. Use gentle stretching exercises, give your foot plenty of rest during the healing period and consider getting customized foot orthotics to wear inside your footwear if the heel discomfort continues.

Understanding the Three Key Areas of Heel Pain

Although heel pain can radiate to other nearby areas, there are typically three key areas where patients tend to feel their heel pain. These include behind the heel, within the heel bone itself and beneath the heel. An exam by a foot specialist can help pinpoint the underlying root cause of your heel discomfort. The location of the pain helps determine what the cause of the discomfort is to formulate an appropriate treatment plan.

Are There Risk Factors for Development of Heel Pain in Joliet?

Yes, there are some known risk factors related to heel pain that patients should be aware of. Risk factors include obesity, foot/ankle arthritis, standing or jumping often and poorly fitted shoes. Contact Business Name.

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