Getting Dental Veneers in Appleton WI

by | Oct 25, 2013 | Dental Care

Teeth are an important part of our appearance. It’s often the first thing people notice when they meet each other. Because of this, many people will go out of their way to ensure that the smile is in optimal condition. Unfortunately, people can experience issues that cause them to have a less than optimal smile. Teeth can be damaged due to a variety of reasons. Children are the most exposed to damage. Fortunately, people have options to restore their smile. Children’s Dentistry in Appleton WI can help fix a child’s tooth, giving them a brand new smile.

One way patients can restore their smile after experiencing damage is by getting veneers. Veneers in Appleton WI are a way to completely transform the appearance of a tooth. They are essentially covers placed onto the tooth. They can cover a number of different issues. Those who experience cracks and chips can greatly benefit from a veneer. Even something as simple as discoloration and yellowing can be fixed with veneers as well. Decayed teeth can be covered up as well to restore appearance and provide much needed protection. Whatever the reason may be, veneers can help to completely transform a tooth, resulting in a beautiful smile that will last for many years to come.

A dentist will first start out by making an impression of the teeth that need veneers. Veneers in Appleton WI are custom made to a patient’s specifications. Every tooth is different and it’s important to have a snug fit that will match surrounding teeth. The teeth can come in a number of materials and shapes. Generally being made from porcelain, these veneers will be colored to match surrounding teeth, making them virtually undetectable to others. A dentist will then install them, bonding them to the teeth. This process usually involves a number of steps. The original teeth may be altered to provide a strong bond. The bonding agent that’s often used by dentist will provide decades of hold, though a patient may choose to replace their veneer as they see fit.

Veneers in Appleton WI are a great option for people of all ages. While many people don’t give it a second thought, the teeth are quite delicate and can experience a lot of damage. Fortunately, dentists can provide people with great solutions to their damaged teeth. With dental veneers, people can regain their lost confidence and have smiles that will surely turn heads.

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