As the years go on, it becomes more common for people to have lost at least one tooth and often many more for a variety of reasons. A tooth may have become cracked and had to be removed. Of course, teeth can be broken or knocked out due to an injury. Gum disease can lead to teeth being lost in many cases. Whatever the reasons, having missing teeth can cause other teeth to move, which can negatively affect the bite and lead to more damage to other teeth or jaw issues when chewing. The missing teeth can lead to appearance issues as well, as the tissues and muscles in the face respond to the open areas that no longer have the support of the teeth.
When a single tooth is missing, there are several options. One is to have an implant done that will set a screw into the bone where the tooth is missing. It is then topped off with a dental crown. When there are several teeth missing, this already rather expensive option can be out of reach for many. When there is an issue of many teeth being in poor condition, it doesn’t make sense to spend so much money on just one tooth. The answer is often to replace the missing tooth with a partial dentures or all the teeth on the upper or lower jaw with a full dentures. Whichever option is right, dentures murrieta can be done in two different ways.
The first method of having dentures murrieta done, is to remove the teeth and allow time for the gums to heal. This healing usually takes anywhere from six to eight weeks. The other method of placing dentures Riverside, is to remove the teeth and put the dentures in place immediately. While there may be some discomfort, the gums will heal around the fit of the dentures well in about the same length of time as it takes without the dentures Riverside having been placed right away.
Whether it is a partial dentures to just replace a tooth or two or a full set, it allows the patient to have the structure needed for the mouth to stay healthy, be able to chew the foods they enjoy and smile without hesitation. Contact Dr Parul Mehta & Associates today.