Filing for disability can often be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. This is because the process for filing for disability can be a confusing and difficult one. It is important you fully understand your rights when filing for disability. Unfortunately, not everyone does and they end up giving up on the process. Many people are denied when they first try to file for their benefits, leaving them to believe they cannot receive Social Security disability. Even with a denial, you still have the right to continue to pursue your benefits, through the appeal process. This is where having an attorney can be extremely helpful. If you have had social security denied in Fort Worth TX, contacting a lawyer is key.
How Can an Attorney Help You When Your Benefits Have Been Denied?
The first step you need to take after a denial of benefits, is to contact an attorney. This will allow him or her to get started right away on gathering information for your appeal. This will most likely involve the attorney asking you to sign a medical release. Medical releases are used to allow the attorney to gain all of your medical records, so your disability can be proven before the judge. It is important to note, you will be required to show that two doctors have proclaimed you to be fully and permanently disabled. Without this medical backing, the judge will deny you your benefits.
The appeal’s process is often a time-consuming one, but your attorney will help you through every step of the way. The goods news is, you will receive a lump sum payment for all of the benefit months from the first time you filed. You will also not be required to pay your attorney until you receive an approval and your lump sum check. This makes it easier for people to get the legal help they need with these types of cases.
If you have had social security denied in Fort Worth TX, visit us and learn how they can assist you in your case. They will be glad to provide you with the legal help needed, to get you the benefits you deserve.