Get a Lawyer for Court Cases

by | Dec 17, 2013 | Lawyers

Lawyers can represent clients in a number of areas involving the law and court systems. Some practice family law that involves divorces and custody battles. Others are more prone to work with criminals and provide legal advise to get them less harsh sentences. Several lawyers represent the law in terms of wrongful doings as lawsuits against a negligent party. There are dozens of reasons you would file a claim against another person.

Personal injury is a common reason for lawsuits. Victims can get hurt on other people’s property. Some specific examples include a grocery store having a spill within an aisle, and they did not properly mark it as a hazardous area. A shopper slipped and fell on the spill, which resulted in an injury that could have been avoided. The owner of the grocery store is responsible for paying recovery costs for medical bills and other expenses acquired because of the accident. If slip and falls occur on the sidewalk in front of a store or in a parking lot, business owners are still responsible for those areas.

Car crashes also result in personal injury lawsuits. There are a number of firms that have a Car Accident Lawyer in Carmel, NY. If the accident was caused because a driver was irresponsible, the victim deserves compensation for their pain and suffering. Negligence may have occurred because the driver was talking or texting on their cell phones while driving, they could have been drunk or under the influence of other drugs, or simply lost control because they were distracted. Truck companies must have their drivers log their sleeping hours as they transport goods across the country to avoid them falling asleep at the wheel.

A Spain & Spain, PC in Carmel, NY will fight hard for their clients to make sure they win the money they deserve. While people are injured, they may be off work and fall behind on regular utility bills while medical bills are piling up. Lawyers know the right things to say and do to make sure a case is won for the rightful amount that is owed.

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