Get A Free Quote For Business Insurance In Honesdale, PA

by | Jul 30, 2013 | Insurance

Business Insurance in Honesdale PA consists of coverage options that will keep your business secure and liability free. The business coverage protects against structural damage, theft, and the probability of liabilities associated with operating a business. You can receive a free quote for Business Insurance in Honesdale PA from Olsommer-Clarke Insurance Group Inc. by visiting their website.

Flood and Natural Disasters

When you purchased your business location, you were informed whether or not it was situated within a flood zone. If your property is financed you are aware of flood insurance requirements. Within your Business Insurance in Honesdale PA policy, you are provided with coverage for probable floods and damage due to other natural disasters. This includes structural and glass damage that may happen during adverse weather conditions.


Your Business Insurance in Honesdale PA policy covers theft of property. This coverage protects fixtures within your business and your inventory. If you experience a break-in, the policy will cover the costs of repairs for entrance ways and new lock installations. To determine the overall value of your coverage in regard to theft of property, you should discuss this option with your preferred insurance provider.


Olsommer-Clarke Insurance Group Inc. also provides coverage for vandalism within their business insurance options. Vandalism relates to structural damage and unwanted alterations of your property’s exterior. Acts of vandalism range from graffiti to busted windows. This coverage protects against these probabilities. If you are the victim of vandalism contact your preferred insurance provider to file a claim. You will need to acquire an estimate for repairs to provide to your claim’s adjuster.


Liability insurance coverage protects your business by providing coverage for accidents, injuries, and the possibility of product’s liabilities. If a customer is injured on your property, this insurance coverage will compensate them for medical costs and expenditures related to their injury. The same coverage applies to products you sell and the probability of injury.

For a Free Quote

Olsommer-Clarke Insurance Group Inc. can provide you with adequate business insurance that will protect your company from damages and loss. An agent can explain all of your insurance options to secure your company. For a free quote from this business insurance provider, you can submit a request via their website or call their local office for details.

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